Sorry for the blurry photo (we desperately need a new camera). But that isn't important. What's important is that we are finally pregnant again! I took this particular test about two weeks ago. Since then, I have taken two others with the same results (the line is considerably darker now). We're very excited and very nervous. On the TMI front, I've been throwing up every night for the past week. And Justin gave me his cold. Other than that, things are going well thus far. We just wanted to show you the good news and include out proof :)
Love you,
P.S.: I have an inkling that you'll be seeing a lot of baby related posts from me in the near future.
Yay!!! Woohoo! Congrats!
Baby posts aren't a problem, it's nice to have updates, yo!
auntie j.
Looks like a pretty park. Grandmother L
I loved hearing about your life. Congrats on the new baby.
I love the nightlights too. Your grandma had just a little tummy ache for the first trimester. If I remember right, your Mom wasn't too bad either. Hope it goes away soon. Tiredness is normal too.
Hi Grandma,
I spoke to my Mom yesterday and she said that she wasn't too bad, but gave me a few tips. Thank you for the well wishes. :) It's good to hear from the family!
Love you,
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