Justin and I rolled out of bed, poured ourselves some orange juice and went on a small walk around Lodi Lake this morning. It was drizzling out, but not too bad; we didn't need an umbrella. We ended up bringing our camera along. Unfortunately, a lot of the photos we took just did not turn out (I blame the camera and not the operator!). Which is why I think it's more than time to update my camera. I've been using the same old point and shoot Canon for over 7 years now, and I've definitely noticed a decline in functionality this past year. I think it's time to bite the bullet and get ourselves a digital SLR. Especially now that we'll be wanting to document the milestone of parenthood we're approaching. If that's not a perfect excuse, I don't know what is. (Are you getting my hints yet, Justin?)
In other news, the wind from the storm we had yesterday ripped the rain spout clean off the garage. Exciting times, I tell you.
posted by RoseSo I thought we were going to write a little bit more about all the animals and dead mushrooms we saw on the trail, but once Rose saw how crappy all the pictures came out, that changed real fast! Well, shortly after embarking on our wilderness adventure we came upon two deer bedded down. Once we were getting ready to take a picture we noticed two more; one of which was a small buck. Other mildly interesting animals we noticed on our walk were: red squirrels, grey squirrels, a black bunny, blue jays, and I think a pair of vultures, and that's about it.
posted by Justin