I took these photos today. If you look closely you can see where we are with the nursery. There is still a lot to be set up there, and I'll definitely be posting more photos when it's complete -- along with some "before" photos. Right now you can tell just by these two photos how the color of the paint changes in the room. It's pretty neat, and I think the color is pretty soothing. I can't wait until it's fully complete and I can breathe a sigh of relief!

A lot of people have told me recently that they don't think I'll make it to the due date based upon how low the baby has dropped and how big I've gotten. The nurse in my OB office hasn't mentioned anything relating to being ahead of schedule, but I haven't seen her since my l last quickie ultrasound, where the ultrasound tech mentioned that they baby was weighing about 2 weeks bigger than the norm. I think the baby is just big, but only time will tell. Hopefully after my next appointment I'll have more to share.
In other news my ankles are in a perpetually swollen state. I'm still working two days a week at the library, though it's getting pretty tough to walk, not to mention bend or lift. We still have quite a lot to do on the house, and I have an inkling that I'm currently in a nesting state and will be driving Justin crazy in these last few weeks with irrational demands on getting everything done now, now, NOW! Ah, hormones, gotta love 'em ;P