Friday, April 3, 2009

Quick Update

I had another appointment with the nurse practitioner on Tuesday. Everything went good. I had my first external ultrasound. Baby is doing good - the heartbeat is still going strong. Almost through the first trimester - what a relief! Today I got some more blood work done, which sucked, but I guess I should just get used to being poked and prodded at for the next 6 months.

Justin has a wonderful co-worker, whose daughter had a baby a few years ago. She's been giving Justin hand me downs - including a bassinet, and I must say that it is very sweet. I haven't met her yet, but I'm going to have Justin bring her flowers or a nice potted orchid as a way of saying thanks. I've started to tentatively shop for baby necessities. I've only bought a few muslin receiving blankets I got half off on I'm super excited about it, because they are normally rather expensive, and I wouldn't have been able to justify the price tag otherwise. I'm holding out for a deal on some baby slings - hopefully they'll be featured on the site sometime soon.

Other than that, I'm still pretty tired, but I'm only working a small amount each week and have been able to sleep in a lot.

I hope everything is going wonderful where you are!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Rose and Justin, So happy for you that things are going well. All is well in Potomac, MT. We've had snow this week but it's a beautiful sunny day and almost 50, snow is melting fast. We can see bare ground in quite a few places now. Keep up the good work.