Here's a real quick sneak peek of the ultrasound I had done today. Justin won't be able to scan them all in until Friday, so we took a real quick camera phone picture of one of the photos the OB gave us. William aptly said that it resembles a gummi bear. I'll upload the rest on Friday for you to get a better and clearer picture.
It's amazing how much the baby has grown in a week, especially when you place the ultrasounds next to one another. I have one more ultrasound next Tuesday, and then the ultrasounds will be spaced out a bit more. During this visit we actually saw the baby's heartbeat fluttering on the screen. It looked like a little flickering light right in the middle of its chest. We even saw him wriggling around.
Most of the lab results from the 14 vials of blood were in today (we're still waiting on two). Verdict: Staying on progesterone until April 15th. One of the protein levels in my blood was low and so I stay on baby aspirin until the day I give birth, and then stop - it doesn't affect my health normally, but has been shown to cause miscarriages. When we decide to have another baby, he'll get me "tuned up" and I'll probably go back on baby aspirin during that time. My thyroid levels are low, so I'll be taking that for the duration of my pregnancy - or longer if they don't return to normal. It's amazing that any one of these things (including my septum) can cause a number of miscarriages and I just happen have a plethora of them. We are very lucky to have such a thorough OB this time around. I feel very blessed that we are being taken care of so well.
In other news; we got our taxes done today and are actually getting a refund for once (the past three years we've had to pay in some amount). So we've got good news all around.
Okay, okay, I couldn't resist here's another one. Promise to get better quality ones soon!
Oh and just to let you know, incase you're wondering - in regards to the uterine septum; the baby doesn't kick through the wall, as Justin hypothesized; one side gets bigger to accommodate the growth of the baby. You can't see the other side right now even with the current method of ultrasound, so it was lucky we got in last week when it was visible or the doctor wouldn't have caught it. And then who knows when it would have been discovered. Unfortunately the OB kept the picture of the two chambers last week, or I would gladly post it, so you could see what it looked like. ;)
I can't believe how "baby-like" the little one already looks. And gummi bear-esque, as well.
I'm glad to hear you've got a great doc this time, hope they keep up the great work.
Love to you all! Auntie JAG.
Thank you so much for including me in your viewers. Granddad Harry and I both enjoy reading and seeing the ultrasound pics.
Your cat is cute! Hope he likes the baby.
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